Dish Washer Automatic Powder Concentrate

$15.35 CAD

Gently removes tough stains, leaving dishes and glasses sparkling clean

Our phosphate-free, non-chlorinated, PTPA Media Award–winning* formula is enzyme activated to thoroughly clean tough stains. And it contains biodegradable surfactants. With Dish Washer Automatic Powder Concentrate, you’ll never have to wash a dish before you put it in the dishwasher or use earth-adverse chemicals to get your dishes clean.


Our phosphate-free, non-chlorinated, PTPA Media Award–winning* formula is enzyme activated to thoroughly clean tough stains. And it contains biodegradable surfactants. With Dish Washer Automatic Powder Concentrate, you’ll never have to wash a dish before you put it in the dishwasher or use earth-adverse chemicals to get your dishes clean.

Cleans 48 loads.

*PTPA Media Inc. provides an objective means to discover, appraise and promote new products designed to enrich family living. Awards are presented to companies whose products are deemed exceptional by a knowledgeable and unbiased panel of experts.